Both new construction and modifications to existing structures (remodeling) within Carriage Park require an architectural review. The review process is described as follows dependent upon 1) new construction or 2) remodeling status:
1) New Construction
The following four links detail the review process:
General Information. An overview of the process for new construction including contact information for Baldwin Real Estate.
ARC Review Process. Instructions for submitting a complete application packet for review.
Requirements & Forms. The set of forms utilized during the planning and building process. Also included are the Henderson County required building setbacks.
Guidelines for Neighborhood Construction. Architectural guidelines for homes in each of the distinct communities within Carriage Park.
2) Modification to Existing Structure
The committee will work with you to determine 1) if an ARC review is needed, 2) can a CPHA ARC internal review suffice or 3) will a formal application to the developer be required using the